Tuesday, January 30, 2024

If this is Tuesday, it must be England #159


Today I found a delightful video on You Tube by  Kirsten and Joerg:  2 Germans in Britain.  I've followed them for some time as they travel around England staying in some charming romantic spots and they also share their home, recipes, shopping, and vintage décor.

 Step into the Beauty of a Quintessential English Cottage highlights their stay at Gardener's Cottage, one of the luxury boltholes and holiday cottages on the Chatsworth Estate in Derbyshire.

Chatsworth has been the ancestral home of the Dukes of Devonshire for 16 generations (any fans of the movie, The Duchess, here?).  According to their website, Chatsworth is a registered charity dedicated to preserving the house, its collections, garden, woodlands, and parkland for everyone to experience and enjoy.  The Devonshire Hotels and Restaurants has a wide range of properties, scroll down to the bottom of the page for a list.

Which property is your favorite?


  1. I have watched Kirsten and Joerg, I subscribe to them. A delightful couple. I haven’t seen The Duchess but will now. Thanks so much! I sure would love to stay in that cottage.

  2. Thanks for the tip on the YouTube channel...I'm subscribing!

  3. We stayed in a Devonshire property in Grassington this past September (all Creatures Great and Small). We enjoyed the village so much.
