Friday, January 5, 2024

Friday Favorites


Keeping it short and sweet with my Friday Favorites this year - easy for me to write, easy for you to read.

Excellent program.  I knew about Consuelo Vanderbilt, having visited Marble House when we lived in Rhode Island, and many of the others were familiar names from To Marry an English Lord by Gail MacColl and Carol McD. Wallace.  Cash for class, a fascinating look at how much American blood runs through Britain's aristocracy.

Vic made this recipe to kick off our Whole 30 and it was AMAZING!  We actually baked it in two au gratin dishes rather than fry it (because we had salmon without the skin on) and it was delicious.

Speaking of au gratin dishes, these are the ones I have, they are from Williams Sonoma.  They come in small, medium, and large sizes and make such a beautiful presentation for any dishes that are crisped on top in the oven.


  1. That salmon looks so good! I love fish but I never cook it, except when fry white perch that my kids catch! Frying it probably takes out all of the nutrition!

  2. Everything looks good...the program, that salmon (YUM!), and those beautiful au gratin dishes. I will check out the program.

  3. I hope you are on the road to recovery. I have added that show to my list. Happy New Year!
