Thursday, January 25, 2024

Monthly Musings - January 2024

It's the last Thursday of the month and that means it's time for Monthly Musings.  I'm joining Patty and Holly for some winter self-care.

1.  How do you take care of yourself in winter?  Keeping warm to keep away any colds and coughs.  Warm sweater, hot tea, a cozy blanket.

2.  How do you fight the winter blues?  I really don't have the winter blues if you mean long dreary days and nights because I love the rain, the grey skies, the snow.  It's just another excuse to be cozy.  I actually prefer the winter months to the summer because you can always put on another layer but there is a limit to what you can take off!

3.  Tips to make your living space cozy.  A roaring fire, cozy blankets, a rom-com on a rainy or snowy afternoon, all the good feels.

4.  Suggestions for fun wintertime activities.  When I was younger, I would have said skiing, ice skating, or sledding but with the current prospect of a broken bone meaning a long recovery, I'll opt for something less active.  Coffee or lunch with a friend, browsing in the local bookstore, afternoon tea.

5.  What are your exercise routines in the winter?  Umm, same as in the summer, practically non-existent.  I hate to exercise.

6.  Best tips for restful sleep.  No screens for an hour before bed, a warm bath or shower, cozy pajamas, a sleepy time-type blend in the diffuser.

7.  Favorite warm beverage.  A cup of hot chocolate with lashings of whipped cream.

8.  Best winter skincare tips.  I switch from a regular moisturizer to an intense version and have hand cream in the bathroom, office, kitchen, and my handbag.

9.  Flannel Sheets - yes or no?  Yes.  Our version is a microfiber set I picked up at Costco several years ago.  They are really thick and super warm.

10.  Favorite winter pajamas?  L.L. Bean


  1. Your winter pajamas are cute! I am with you on winter in general. I do not get the blues and love being cozy inside when the weather is not great outside. I like your description of your hot chocolate with lashings of whipped cream. Sounds delish! Have a great Thursday!

  2. Oh yes browsing in a bookstore is a fabulous winter activity! (or any time of year really).

  3. I'm with you on not minding the winter blues. I like staying cozy!

  4. I am going to look into that Body Shop cream. Sometimes I kind of like a winter day too! Thanks for joining us.

  5. What a fun post Pamela and such a nice way to get to know you a little better. I also enjoy the winter months, much preferable to the humidity of the summer, which makes me woozy. Flannel sheets and nightwear all the way, and love it when it’s time to get the sweaters out. I also will be looking at those Body Shop creams. Thank you, and for a great read too.

  6. Very cute pajamas!! I wish I could be more disciplined about getting away from screens before bedtime, as I know that would help me sleep better. I limit screens, but haven't successfully avoided! Stay warm!

  7. Cute pj's! Yes...all about extra moisturizing in the winter here too :)

  8. I'm belatedly catching up on my Monthly Musings! I love a good afternoon tea, and yes, a winter afternoon is perfect for it!
