Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Volume 534

 From this Side of the Pond

It's time for the Hodgepodge.  Click on the photo to see Joyce's post.

1. On January 18th we commemorate A.A. Milne's birthday. Milne is the author of the beloved classic Winnie the Pooh. In many ways Pooh represents innocence and simplicity. His optimism reminds us to appreciate the little things. What are three little things you're appreciating in mid-January? 

A cozy home, not having to get up at 4:00am to get ready for work, and reliable transportation if Vic's commute is in wintery weather.

2. Piglet teaches us even the smallest of individuals can achieve big things with the proper amount of determination. How do your current responsibilities make you feel? 

Relaxed.  Not having to juggle work and home took a huge weight off my shoulders.  I can do things at my leisure, not having to cram all the errands into Saturday and Sunday, and face household chores in the evenings after work.

3. Tigger is known for his enthusiasm and energy, his boundless joy and love of life. What's something you're interested in learning more about in this new year? 

How to help Malone to get over his reactivity to other animals.  We need some professional training so that he can play nicely with other dogs.

4. Eeyore, while a melancholy character, teaches us the importance of resilience and perseverance. How do you stay motivated and persevere in difficult circumstances?

Drawing support from family and friends, keeping my eye on what needs to be done to get through the circumstance.

5. What's the last thing you ate that was made with honey? 

Nothing in the last 17 days as I've stuck faithfully to the Whole 30 program.  In 2023, I thought Trader Joe's Mandarin Orange Chicken might have honey in it but a quick check of the ingredients told me know.  I really can't think of anything I've eaten with honey.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

I have to admit I found today's questions tough so I've kept my answers short and sweet and I'll leave you with this.


  1. Good morning from the northeast corner of the Evergreen state. I read your 'about me'. We love Great Britain and try to visit whenever we can. Happy retirement and Hodgepodge Wednesday to you!

  2. I thought today's questions were tough too!

  3. There were more deep questions today than usual, but they once I latch on to a theme there's no going back lol. Good luck with your pup. We sent ours to a trainer and we still say it was money well spent! Course they train you too : )

  4. Our dog Albie used to be much more reactive to dogs, but he has mellowed with age. Some dogs he got along with, but others (usually if they were black in color or male) would get an aggressive reaction. It was very frustrating, and I'm glad he is calmer now. Training would probably be money well spent!

  5. I loved your answers. And Pooh always makes me think of my once-in-a-lifetime friend that I lost almost 25 years ago, so gave me a smile.
